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Association Agreement (Aa)


Association Agreement (Aa)

An association agreement (AA) is a legally binding contract between the European Union (EU) and a non-EU country that seeks a closer relationship with the EU. The agreement aims to establish deeper political, economic, and cultural ties between the two parties and paves the way for enhanced cooperation across a wide range of issues.

AA negotiations typically take place between the EU and its neighboring countries, including those in the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe, and the Southern Mediterranean. The agreement covers a broad range of areas, including trade, political dialogue, justice, security, and human rights.

The AA is considered the most comprehensive type of agreement that the EU can offer to a non-EU country, and it serves as a steppingstone towards potential EU membership. Countries that have signed AAs with the EU include Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and Tunisia, among others.

One key aspect of the AA is the establishment of a free trade area between the EU and the non-EU country. This allows for the removal of tariffs and trade barriers, thereby increasing trade flows between the two parties. The AA also provides for the alignment of the non-EU country`s regulatory framework with that of the EU, which helps to reduce barriers to trade and investment.

In addition to trade and economic cooperation, the AA also provides for enhanced political dialogue and cooperation between the EU and the non-EU country. This includes cooperation on issues such as foreign policy, security, and justice.

Furthermore, the AA seeks to promote human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in the non-EU country. This is achieved through various mechanisms, including the establishment of an annual human rights dialogue and the promotion of civil society engagement.

In conclusion, the association agreement is a vital instrument for fostering closer ties between the EU and non-EU countries. By facilitating deeper cooperation and integration across a range of areas, the AA serves as a key steppingstone towards closer political, economic, and cultural relations, and potential EU membership.